Corporate website Work at Hutten Pure Hutten

Nursing and nursing care

We offer residents and guests a place where they feel comfortable, where they can meet and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee or a fresh meal in welcoming surroundings with dishes prepared by hand with fresh ingredients. Residents have an extensive choice of food and drink options, and specific diets or allergies are taken into consideration. We believe in a welcoming, personal approach because we want to contribute to the residents’ well-being. We base our service on their needs and create an accessible and pleasant atmosphere.


“A nice restaurant can increase residents' sense of independence and contribute to a positive dining experience as a social and enjoyable moment of the day.”

Zorg zorgcatering prinses maxima centrum
20140912 Hutten Bernhoven 6897 klein min
Prinses maxima centrum horeca restaurant
Verpleging verzorging ziekenhuis
Care cure verpleging
Barista utrecht prinses maxima centrum
20211214 Hutten Care Cure 60896 min
20211214 Hutten Care Cure 60811 min
Prinses maxima centrum4
20211214 Hutten Care amp Cure 60607 hashc986a4b476549ed8
Prinses maxima centrum utrecht barista
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 087 3650 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 086 3642 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 079 3480 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 075 3516 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 070 3454 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 049 3169 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 060 3331 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 062 3363 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 049 3169 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 031 3040 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 028 3145 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 019 3088 min
20230414 Hutten Amphia Ziekenhuis 018 2961 min