Corporate website Work at Hutten Pure Hutten

An optimal contribution to recovery through food, drinks and hospitality

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A world of opportunities

Within the healthcare field, there is a world of opportunities when it comes to the influence that healthy food, lifestyle interventions, and service have on recovery from illness. We are convinced of the added value of proper nutrition in combination with the right food and drink experience – for your health and your immune system, well-being, and recovery. Therefore, our mission is to offer healthy and delicious food to our patients, residents, and convalescing patients. Nutrition that is flavourful and accessible, even when it is hard to eat because flavours have changed. We involve experts when developing foods for specific target groups, including nutritional scientists, dieticians, and organisations such as the World Cancer Research Fund.

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with healthy food and hospitality

That is how we develop bespoke food concepts for hospitals, rehabilitation centres, and healthcare institutions that take care of everything for our clients and revolve around the patient’s needs and wishes. We offer freedom of choice for meals or create special, warm moments during hospitalisation. Our chefs in the kitchen and our hostesses by the bedside are open, professional and, above all, genuine. They only want one thing; to be a bright spot in the most vulnerable moments of someone’s life. With the best nutrition and genuine hospitality, we strive for care that warms the heart – and comes from the heart.

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Our services

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It's important to focus on targeted nutrition, where the patient's nutritional needs are central in order to promote optimal recovery.

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Freedom of choice in nutrition is an important aspect of patient care because it enables patients to play an active role in their recovery process

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Nursing and nursing care

A nice restaurant can increase residents' sense of independence and contribute to a positive dining experience as a social and enjoyable moment of the day.


Our clients

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20211214 Hutten Care Cure 61347 min
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“When you're ill or recovering, good nutrition is important. It can help you better withstand treatment or surgery, and it contributes to recovery”